Under the topic “Boosting digital skills of young people, in particular girls”,the call aims to close the significant digital skills gap in Europe by increasing the pool of young people equipped with STEM and ICT skills and who are interested in embarking on a digital career.
The call will fund a 24-month project, for a grant of maximum Eur 6M (100% funding rate), that would contribute to the achievement of the below objectives:
Objective 1: to scale up the EU Code Week initiative to spread computational thinking and coding to as many people as possible, focusing particularly on young people, teachers and schools.
Objective 2: to put a strong emphasis on boosting the digital skills of young people, particularly of girls, to encourage them to pursue studies in STEM disciplines and take up a career in ICT.
Boosting Digital Skills of young pupils, in particular girls
Funding opportunity Information
Website link
Financing opportunity url
Boosting Digital Skills of young pupils, in particular girls
Boosting Digital Skills of young pupils, in particular girls
Target audience
Digital skills in education.
Digital technology / specialisation
Digital skills
Digital skill level
Geographic Scope - Country
European Union
Industry - Field of Education and Training
Generic programmes and qualifications not further defined
Type of initiative
EU institutional initiative
Target group
Persons in primary education
Persons in secondary/compulsory education
Persons in secondary/compulsory education
Form of funding