Bebras 2021 Success

This year’s annual Bebras computational thinking challenge took place in November and over 8,000 students from more than 130 schools across the country took part, one of our highest years yet!  
Thank you to all school coordinators for registering their students and taking part in the challenge, we’re so pleased so many schools took part and introduced computational thinking to children of all ages and abilities.   
Some of the top achieving students in each age groups will be invited to attend a final round, which will be held on March 19th 2022.  We hope to hold the finals in-person at Maynooth University (subject to Covid restrictions, if it is not possible, we will hold online). We will be in touch with the finalists and send invites to the final in the New Year.  
Our next school challenge will be the annual Scratch challenge which we will be holding in the New Year, for more information visit 

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