The latest update DigComp 2.2 is now published!

On 22 March 2022 the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission published the latest update of the Digital Competence Framework, DigComp 2.2, featuring more than 250 new examples of knowledge, skills, and attitudes!

The newly updated and integrated Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp 2.2) framework provides more than 250 new examples of knowledge and skills to help European citizens with self-evaluation, identifying training offers and job search. Thanks to this update, DigComp will continue to play a central role in achieving the ambitious EU objectives set out by the Digital Decade and compass, with regard to the digital upskilling of the whole population – 80% of EU citizens to have basic digital skills by 2030.

The new update aims to engage citizens confidently and safely with digital technologies, taking account of emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), datafication or new phenomena derived from the pandemic crisis, which have led to the need for new and increased requirements in digital competence for citizens and workers.

About the DigComp

The European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp) is a tool to improve the digital competence of European people. Today, being digitally competent means that people need to have abilities in all areas of DigComp.

For more than a decade, the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp) has provided a common understanding, across the EU and beyond, of what digital competence is, providing a solid basis for framing digital skills policy, curricula development and assessment of digital skills, both in the education and in the labour market. In fact, DigComp has inspired more than 20 tools in different EU Member States, across many target groups of European society.


Objectives of the DigComp 2.2 update

The DigComp 2.2 features tools and resources to support the amelioration of digital skills in citizens across Europe, the Europass, the self-assessment tool on the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform, and DigCompSat, a self-reflection tool for the DigComp framework. 

This new update will further help to strengthen the role of DigComp in reaching the objectives of the initiatives of the European Digital Strategy, including the Digital Education Action Plan and the European Pillar of Social Rights, as well as the development of a European Digital Skills Certificate.

The DigComp 2.2 update will help to keep DigComp relevant for learning, working and participating in society, as well as for EU policy-making. The new publications gives also insights into the existing DigComp materials, consolidating previous publications and references. Also included, are specific appendices on Citizens’ interaction with AI systems and on Remote/Hybrid work

@ Joint Research Centre 2022

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