Data and workload placement key challenges to successful digital transformation

A recent survey by Amárach Research, commissioned by Digital Realty and Hewlett Packard Enterprise, has found that data security, making better use of data, data regulation, and workload placement are the key challenges for driving Irish and international digital transformation.

The survey polled IT decision-makers from a variety of industries in Ireland and internationally.

The survey found that only a few organizations surveyed have the necessary resources or skills to meet future IT demands. For example, only 53% of respondents said that they have the necessary security expertise, 38% said that they have the necessary compliance and governance expertise, and 28% said that they have the necessary application transformation and redevelopment skills to support cloud migrations.

These findings suggest that Irish and international organizations are facing significant challenges in their digital transformation efforts. However, the survey also found that organizations are aware of these challenges and are taking steps to address them. For example, some respondents said that they are investing in new technologies to improve data security, some said that they are investing in data analytics to make better use of data, and some said that they are working to comply with data regulations.

The survey findings provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing Irish and international organizations in their digital transformation efforts. By understanding these challenges, organizations can better position themselves to succeed in the digital economy.

The following are some additional challenges that organizations may face in their digital transformation efforts:

  • Lack of leadership: Digital transformation requires strong leadership from the top. Without this leadership, it can be difficult to get buy-in from employees and to allocate the necessary resources.
  • Culture change: Digital transformation requires a change in culture. Organizations need to be more agile and adaptable in order to succeed in the digital age.
  • Skills gap: There is a shortage of skilled workers in the IT sector. This can make it difficult for organizations to find the talent they need to implement digital transformation projects.
  • Cost: Digital transformation can be expensive. Organizations need to carefully consider the costs and benefits of these projects before they commit to them.

Despite these challenges, digital transformation is essential for organizations that want to remain competitive in the digital age. By understanding the challenges and opportunities, organizations can better position themselves to succeed.

Here are some tips for organizations that are facing challenges in their digital transformation efforts:

  • Start with a clear vision: What do you want to achieve with your digital transformation? Once you have a clear vision, you can start to develop a plan to achieve it.
  • Get buy-in from leadership: Digital transformation requires the support of senior leadership. Make sure that you have the support of your CEO and other senior executives before you start any projects.
  • Communicate with employees: Digital transformation can be disruptive to employees. Make sure that you communicate with employees about the benefits of digital transformation and how it will affect their jobs.
  • Invest in training: Digital transformation requires new skills. Make sure that you invest in training for your employees so that they can learn the new skills they need.
  • Partner with experts: If you don’t have the in-house expertise to implement digital transformation, partner with experts who can help you.

Digital transformation is a complex and challenging process, but it is essential for organizations that want to remain competitive in the digital age. By following these tips, organizations can overcome the challenges and succeed in their digital transformation efforts.

See the full report here.  

This survey sets a clear standard for a best practice, by understanding the digital transformation challenges faced by both Irish and international organisations. Targeting IT decision-makers across diverse industries ensures a comprehensive representation of concerns. Uncovering critical deficits in essential expertise like security, compliance, and application transformation underscores the acute gaps impeding digital progress. Moreover, the survey doesn’t just dwell on issues but also highlights proactive measures undertaken by organizations—investments in technologies, data analytics, and regulatory compliance, indicating a proactive response to identified challenges.

By encapsulating core challenges such as leadership voids, cultural shifts, skill scarcities, and cost considerations, this survey serves as a compass, guiding organisations through the tumultuous landscape of digital transformation. It doesn’t stop at diagnosis but offers practical tips, emphasizing the pivotal role of vision clarity, leadership alignment, and transparent employee communication, positioning it as a pivotal best practice tool for organizations navigating the complexities of digital evolution. More surveys of such nature would be extremely valuable to ensure a thorough understanding of topical issues in Ireland and Europe, and thus find the right solutions.

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