ObservaCiber has presented a study showing that the increase in demand for cybersecurity experts will increase to 83.000 professionals by 2024.
Specifically, this demand will be twice as high as there will be, the number of cybersecurity professionals needed in 2021 was 63.191 and is projected to exceed 83.000 in 2024. This highlights the problem of the talent gap in this sector. What is then proposed is to identify, attract, develop and retain talent.
With regard to initiatives to increase the presence of women in cybersecurity positions, research promotion programmes are highlighted, although specific programmes are needed to boost the presence of women, as only 18 % of university graduates specialising in this field are women. It should be noted, however, that the percentage of women who have chosen to study technological careers has increased by 5 percentage points in five years.
Finally, as regards the legal obligation to have a minimum number of disabled workers or workers at risk of social exclusion in more than 50 employees, it has been recognised that only 20.9 % of companies are complying with it.