The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens

Digital competences are a set of multiple competences relating to the self-conscious and critical use of digital technology to generate and share information, communicate and solve underlying problems in all areas of life. They are among the eight core competences for life under the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp).

Digital competences cover 5 areas:  

Information literacy

  • Browsing, searching and selecting data, information and digital content
  • Evaluation of data, information and digital content
  • Management of data, information and digital content

Communication and cooperation

  • Communication using digital technologies
  • Sharing using digital technologies
  • Committed citizenship through the use of digital technologies
  • Cooperation through the use of digital technologies
  • Online voucher
  • Digital identity management

Manufacture of digital content

  • Development of digital content
  • Referencing and recreation of digital content
  • Copyright and licences
  • Programming


  •  Protection of installations
  •  Protection of personal data and privacy
  • Protection of health and well-being
  • Protection of the environment


  •  Solving technical problems
  • Identification of needs and technological reservoirs
  • Creative use of digital technologies
  • Identifying digital divides

All 5 areas of digital competence through different levels are illustrated by the graphics published by the Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia in the Digital Competences brochure DigiComp, which can be found in full by TUKAJ.

Do you want to check what level you achieve? Test your digital competencies TUKAJ.

© National Education Institute Slovenia 

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