Latvian partners share ideas for Digital Week 2023

Spring comes to Latvia with the annual educational campaign Digital Week 2023 and this year it will be held for the 14th time at national level! On April 11, more than 100 Digital Week partners came together to share ideas and practical information about the planned activities from April 24 to 28 for everyone to improve their digital skills. 

The seminar was attended by representatives from ministries and state institutions, municipalities, libraries, ICT industry companies and non-governmental organizations. In various online and face-to-face events, every citizen – entrepreneurs, employees of state and local government institutions, representatives of the education field, students, children, parents, seniors, etc. is invited to improve digital skills, to use digital technologies and services more actively, while paying attention to digital identity, security and critical thinking.

The Digital Week in Latvia is organized as part of the European Year of Skills 2023 and ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2023. The events are organized by the Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association (LIKTA) in cooperation with the partners of the Latvian Digital Skills Partnership. More than 150 partners have so far been involved in the organization of activities. The digital map is available here.

At the opening of the seminar, participants were addressed by Gatis Ozols, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. At the seminar presentations were presented by representatives of LIKTACulture Information Systems CentreCERT.lvLatvian State Radio and Television CentreMinistry of Education and ScienceLursoft ITTet, Elva BalticConfero Technologies and DATI Group.

It will be possible to follow all central events on LIKTA Facebook and other live broadcasts.This year’s Digital Week will host the following thematic days:

  • 24 April – Opening Day of Digital Week;
  • 25 April – Digital tools and skills for entrepreneurs;
  • 26 April – Digital Security Day;
  • 27 April – Digital skills for education;
  • 28 April – Media skills and digital resources.

Partners still have the opportunity to engage in the planning and implementation of the Digital Week 2023 events, as well as to participate in the activities organized by others.

  • Instruction for adding events in the Latvian platform is available in HERE.
  • Instruction for searching events is available in HERE.
  • Instruction for adding events on All Digital weeks map of Europe is available on HERE.

More information about the events can be found at: in the ‘Digital Week 2023’ section, by selecting the date and theme of interest and by searching for information with hashtags #eprasmes23, #ADWeeks2023 and #EuropeanYearOfSkills.

The events published on are available to be shared via various social media channels (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, etc.), and participants are invited to do so!”

The agenda of the seminar and presentations are available HERE

A recording of the seminar is available HERE.

Seminar took place in the framework of the European Commission’s tender No 2020-LV-IA-0217 “European Platform for Digital Skills and Jobs in Latvia”.

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