Can blended learning make education more inclusive?

Blended learning, meaning a mix of various learning environments and (non-)digital tools, has gained in the last years more urgency and attention, due to both the impact of the pandemic on education and the inclusion of displaced learners from Ukraine in Member States.

Both these disruptive events have made clear the need for education to be more responsive and resilient, including through blended learning strategies. 
A new thematic report and a factsheet shed light on challenges, enabling factors and policy considerations on blended learning and inclusion.

Blended learning for inclusion: exploring challenges and enabling factors. Key messages and illustrative examples was elaborated by the working group on schools of the EEA strategic framework, which chose to work on “blended learning for inclusion” in 2022. The report and factsheet identified key messages to guide policy making on inclusive and effective blended learning approaches.

Key messages for change makers

EU policy makers can support blended learning in formal school education by:

  • communicating on how it can support quality and inclusive education
  • supporting continued international peer learning and research on effective blended learning policy and practice
  • National, regional and/or local policy makers can create conditions for effective blended learning by
  • ensuring that school leaders and teachers have the time and flexibility to innovate
  • sharing research results, pilot projects and good practice examples
  • ensuring that schools have enough money to support the design, implementation and evaluation of blended learning
  • ensuring that school leader and teacher standards, competence frameworks and/or professional profiles reflect the range of skills needed to facilitate effective blended learning
  • encouraging and creating incentives and opportunities for professional learning opportunities on blended learning for school leaders and teachers
  • School leaders and their teams can help by
  • supporting a culture of collective engagement and responsibility within their school
  • mobilising resources within the school and community
  • encouraging participation in networks

The report summarises the main findings and conclusions from plenary meetings, a seminar, and a peer learning activity held in 2022, and highlights various examples from Member States.

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