Following the publication of the ARISA’s AI Skills Needs Analysis report, the next action is to develop the European AI Skills Strategy.
The main goal of the ARISA project is to create solid and sustainable foundations for reducing skills shortages, gaps, and mismatches. In order to achieve this, ARISA will develop a strategy based on the new skills requirements for people in AI-related professions. The project is gathering quantitative and qualitative input from ARISA stakeholders in order to enrich and validate the general approach of the European AI Skills Strategy and collect pointers on implementation enablers. The project has launched a survey on AI skills development, as well as ARISA’s mission and overall approach for the strategy.
Are you interested in contributing to the European AI Skills Strategy? Complete the survey by 16 July 2023.
The findings from this questionnaire will enhance and validate the overall approach of the European AI Skills Strategy, which is scheduled to be published in Autumn 2023. The survey results will provide valuable input and validation for the strategy’s development process.