Women4IT aims to improve diversity in the digital sector and at the same time to provide opportunities for young women in Ireland to gain employment in entry-level IT/Digital roles.
We are looking for companies and employers who are interested in hiring skilled young women for the below roles. The programme can be adjusted to answer the needs of your company.
• Data Analyst
• Graphic Designer
• Digital Media Executive
• Junior Web Developer
• Customer Service Developer
• Software Tester
Cohorts of skilled and motivated women are now available for employment. Hiring from our graduates might be the hiring solution you need!
We are hosting an online webinar on Thursday 10th December at 5 pm. This will be the occasion to learn more about the project and how you can get involved. To register, simply follow this link.
If you have any questions, please contact us here: women4it@ics.ie
About Women4IT
Women4IT is a multi-stakeholder project, funded by the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment and The Irish Computer Society is the Irish partner in the project.
The target group of the project is women between 18 and 29 years old. Women4IT is offering them the opportunity to gain strong digital skills through a training programme delivered by SureSkills Ltd.