Growing your digital competence with “micro-learning” through the European Digital Education Hub

In more than 15 Teams channels, the European Digital Education Hub, a thriving community with over 1,100 individuals from 90 countries, is providing a variety of “microlearning” activities on topics such as “Sharing is caring” and “Knowledge building”.

The focus of microlearning is on brief learning activities and relatively small learning units.

People can participate in a variety of microlearning activities as community members, including:

  • Workshops and webinars: Interactive sessions with a focus on particular digital education issues are facilitated by education and training professionals
  • Mentoring: a few-month-long curriculum that will assist you in implementing digital education practices
  • Online ‘clinic’ weeks: get a timeslot for a consultation with a digital education specialist who can offer quick fixes for your specific digital education challenge.
  • Design thinking: the chance to create new ways of thinking and to encourage new teaching and learning mindsets
  • Accelerator: a program to assist you in expanding your creative digital education solutions
  • Self-paced learning: online resources to increase your understanding of a certain digital education subject

During this experience, you will have the opportunity to:

  • share a digital project you are working on
  • share awareness of digital education with the other members
  • join online clinics
  • join a mentoring programme
  • build a library of digital good reads

If you would like to contribute to the European Digital Education community, click here.

© European Commission

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